
Psychedelic Integration Circle

Talkingcircle about psychedelic experiences


 Max. Teilnehmer 6  |  Freie Plätze 6

 Preis: Freier Beitrag

Talk about your psychedelic experiences in a safe environment with like minded people

About this Event

Psychedelics can help us grow as people. In order to do that, it's important to take a closer look at the thoughts and feelings we had during such an experience. It doesn't matter whether the experience was positive or difficult, whether it felt spectacular or underwhelming—it's well worth to investigate your thoughts and feelings during such an experience and integrate the learnings into your everyday life.

Language: German, limited seats available.


Q: What are the prerequisites for attending?

A: You should have had a psychedelic experience. If you've never had one and you'd like to learn more, I recommend joining the Psychedelic Society for one of our Meetups or community events.

Q: Is integration just for 'bad trips'?

A: Absolutely not. Bad trips can happen, but most psychedelic experiences are positive. You can learn just as much from positive experiences as from negative ones.

Q: I'm curious, but I'm not sure yet if I want to talk about my experience. Do I have to?

A: No. You can also just listen to others in the circle and learn from them.

Q: How much are the integration circles?

A: We offer them for free. You can donate, if you find our work helpful.

Q: What's the cancellation policy?

A: Please note that your registration is binding. If you really have to cancel, please do so at least 24h in advance.



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